Sunday School Teachers
Sister Tracy
Sister Telisha
Sister Taren
Sister Lynn
Sister Telisha
Sister Taren
Sister Lynn
Sister Tasha
Sister Alicia
Sister Heather
Sister Alicia
Sister Heather
Middle School
Brother Damiel
Sister Alexa
Sister Alexa
High School
Brother Bronnie
Sister Michelle
Sister Michelle
Media Team
Rise Up Church Ministries Choir
Choir Director Sister Alexa Jones
The Choir sings Southern Gospel to Praise & Worship songs
we are led by the spirit; the choir is the most important peace to the service by setting the atmosphere
by singing the songs of Zion.
The Choir sings Southern Gospel to Praise & Worship songs
we are led by the spirit; the choir is the most important peace to the service by setting the atmosphere
by singing the songs of Zion.